As the title says "Jio hi Bhar ke". Life is yours, live it the way you want to. Don't keep any botheration of how other person or "duniya wale"will feel if you don't do things as per them. As no one has yet found who the hell these people are and why they have so much interest in our life.
Follow below principles:
Living life on your terms.
Enjoying every living moment.
Spending time with people you like.
At the end, having no regrets.
To start with: We often give people whom we are closed to or people have around more importance than required. So they start taking us for granted without thinking, how we would feel, whether things they are doing will make us really feel happy?
Rather give importance to yourself. As you are the only person who will be left at the end. You gonna support yourself in your own thick and thin times. No one else will come to cheer you up when you are fed up or are feeling low. There will be many people to feel jealous of you and through there fake smile supporting your happy times. If you are not able to identify such people then no issues, just start giving importance to self.
What I have typically noticed is: people will be there to comment on your looks, even you are looking prettiest they will say how loud make up you have done, how goudy dress you have worn. These people are so obsessed with themselves that they start feeling jealous and then start commenting instead of praising :)
Beware of such morons :) just ignore them as much as possible :)
To end, live life king size. Stop listening to everyone. Listen to your own self :)